Friday, February 27, 2015

Blog Post 6

In the article, “TV Star’s Plastic-Surgery Disaster Tests Brazil” published by Time Magazine, the author who is anonymous talks about how a famous TV star named Urach was put into the hospital because of a mess up during her surgery and she is now debating whether or not getting plastic surgery is a risk or not for Brazilian women. At first, Urach was a single mom as a teenager and then she got plastic surgery and somehow became a famous TV star. After being hospitalized for two months, she went back on TV. The wounds from her surgery were so bad, that the people watching her could see the blood soak through her clothes. She said to them that ““I hope that these wounds at least serve as a warning to other woman.”” Brazil’s way of doing things has caused women to think that getting plastic surgery is not a bad thing, but in reality it can be very dangerous. One of the reasons why it can be dangerous is because they only have five thousand five hundred professional plastic surgeons. Another twelve thousand doctors are not even professionally trained to be doing those things. You can get infections from getting plastic surgery and one of the problems Brazil has is that most of the people only hear about the good things about getting plastic surgery and nobody talks about the downside to it or the bad things.

I wasn’t surprised at all when I saw that some of these people in Brazil have accidents during their procedures because I knew that plastic surgery is dangerous and it can even make a person look less attractive. What did surprise me though is the number of unauthorized doctors. I was thinking to myself how they weren’t getting arrested? I guess the people who want plastic surgery really don’t care who they get it from. They just want to show their status and say they got it to their friends. I agree with what the author was saying. I think people should be cautious about plastic surgery and they should know that there are side effects and problems that could end up messing you up and you have to deal with those problems for a long time. Overall, I thought this article was good. I wasn’t confused by anything.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Blog Post 5

In the article “Stop Calling it a Tramp Stamp” published by Cosmopolitan, the author, Sara Stewart explains that just because a girl has a lower back tattoo, it doesn’t mean that it’s about sex. If someone thinks that, that’s their opinion and the girl who got the tattoo can have a completely different meaning to it. About twenty three percent of women have tattoos somewhere on their body. Women are usually more cautious then guys about their tattoos. They don’t want their tattoos to be shown because there are times and places where it is inappropriate to have them. Studies show that if you have a tramp stamp, you are more likely to be hit on by men. The problem is that calling it that name gives all the power to the men and the girls don’t ever get asked what their tattoo symbolizes.   Sara Stewart said that ““Mummified leaders found in burials in central Asia, from 500 B.C., reveal lower back tattoos. It’s not a general signal of availability, sexual promiscuity, or compromised morals.””

I agree with what the author was saying. I didn’t know why women got tattoos there. I actually let the opinion of other men influence mine saying that it’s a tattoo for sex but now I know I am wrong. Something I thought was interesting was that a long time ago in Asia, mummified leaders had tattoos on their lower back. I didn’t even know that tattoos were used then. Some questions I have about the article is “Where is the most common place girls get tattoos? Because it never said that the lower back was the most popular spot to get a tattoo.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Blog Post 4

In the article “Sherman Indian High School” published from Native Peoples Magazine, the author, Colleen Fliedner talks about how even with all of the labor the kids had to do; Sherman institute was a very successful boarding school. The school was in California and the problems started right away. The kids were having trouble with the hot and dry air. They also had a hard time trying to find water. In Sherman’s early years, the Indian boys had to get haircuts when they came to the school because they wanted them to look more like a white person with short hair. This made the boys sad because their long hair was a sign of what they believed in and it was all gone in an instant. They also were not allowed to speak their own language and they had to go to church every Sunday even if that wasn’t part of their religion. The school didn’t have enough money to keep it going so they had students doing labor and working off the campus. The money they got went to the school. The author Colleen said that “The outing system was considered vocational training and provided cheap labor for those willing to have an Indian live in their homes.” Sherman institute also had a cemetery because some kids got really sick and died and they ended up burring them. Sherman institute was a school that tried to force natives in and teach them more American ways but it has actually evolved into a really good high school for young Indian kids.

I was so shocked to find this out because I had no idea that Indians were going to boarding schools and were doing labor. At the end of this article I was glad to hear that this school was doing well because now it’s a high school that helps Indian kids and they can learn anything about their own culture. Something I thought was cool was the outing system. This helped the students get better jobs for the future. It is kind of like an elective for us. I was sad to hear that people were dying at this school from sickness or abuse because they came to the school to learn, even if it was by force. Something I found puzzling was that when the kids died, I was wondering if their parents knew about it?

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Blog Post 3

In the article, (no author)”Ibans Defy the Grasp of Palm Oil Barons” published by Earth Island Journal, it describes the unfair conditions in Borneo, where the indigenous people are going to deal with. The government of Sarawak is trying to put an oil palm plantation on the land of the indigenous people of Borneo by force. The Borneo people were trying to block the roads so the government wouldn’t cut down their trees; however this caused many of the people to get thrown in jail. By taking away their land which provided food, shelter and income, the Borneo people are being forced to work at the oil companies. Even in the government efforts to break down the Borneo people, many of them still uphold their belief to their right to the land. One of the leaders of Borneo said to the court, “”We simply want the bulldozing to stop.”” This means that he wanted the court process to finish before any more trees would be destroyed. The BRIMA institute is trying to train the indigenous people to learn the legal system so they can defend themselves in legal land matters and human rights issues like putting someone in jail without cause. Overall, the people of Borneo are struggling to get their land back. They say they’re not against modernizing; they just want to be able to choose it while still being able to keep their ways of life.

If I were to ask a question about this article I would say, when the people are getting jailed for protesting and protecting their land, after they get out of jail, do they protest again and what happens then? Something I found puzzling with this article was that I wasn’t sure how many different countries or tribes were helping them other than the BRIMA institution. I disagree with what the government is doing in Borneo. They should let the indigenous people live in their homes in the forests and not destroy any trees, even if there are some benefits to having the palm oil plantation. I think they should leave the land alone. I liked this article because everything that I read stuck in my mind and now I will know it forever. I also agreed about what the Iban man had to say. I would want to have the court go through its process before anything else can happen.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Blog Post 2

In the article “Haircuts or Turbans” published from New York Times, the author, Amelia Gentleman discusses how the men and women of India and throughout the world are losing the tradition to have long hair and turbans and they are trying to find a way to prevent it. A lot of the Indians said that keeping their long hair was taking up so much of their time because they had to wash it and take care of it. Singh cut his hair and he said “”I felt smarter without it.”” This is a problem for India because it’s causing the spiritual leaders to feel like they can do nothing about the situation. They have given up. The turban pride has gone way down. Jaswinder Singh said that “The dwindling number of the turban wearers reflects less of a loss of spirituality than increasing Westernization and the accelerating pace of Indian life.” Indians were leaving their turbans behind to protect themselves because of the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1984. After this, so many of the Sikhs have been traveling around the world but the problem was that the security guards accidentally thought they were turban wearing Taliban. They were beat up for no reason. The people of India had many ways of trying to revive the Sikh heritage. They offered classes to help tie the turban around the guy’s heads and they are making contests to help make the turban more seen as a fashion item.

I did not know that so many Indian people were losing their way of culture. I just thought they were wearing the Turbans because that was part of their culture. I wasn’t very surprised when I heard that they were leaving their turbans behind because of the assassination. I would have done the same thing. Something that did surprise me was that the kids are saying lies because they think they are smarter without their long hair. This is not true. They are just probably trying harder in school. Something that I found interesting was the promoting of the turbans to try and revive their culture. I thought that was very cool. However, this is still a bad situation for Sikhs because they are losing their culture and need to find a way to get it back.